Laws of Health & Life, Mental Health



The mind and brain, are they one and same? Does the mind mean BRAIN, and does the brain mean MIND? Can they be used interchangeably? For ages, I’ve been having a problem distinguishing the difference between these two commonly confused words. Probably misused too.

Well, let’s dive into discerning the difference between the two and probably, similitude. In science(biology), the brain was introduced to us as an organ. An organ, derived from a Latin word “organum” meaning instrument, is a collection of tissues working together and specialized to perform a particular function. Heart, Kidneys and Lungs are other examples of body organs. That’s not the reason we are here anyway. But equally, it’s important to know that: for a deeper understanding of what brought us here.

The Mind. What is it? Is it an illusion of the brain as many say? Does it exist?

Having known that the brain is a physical organ in the skull of any vertebrate. One thing is for sure, the two (mind and brain) have different meanings and cannot be used interchangeably. Though, lots of individuals use them interchangeably. That doesn’t make it right anyway.

Let’s see what Merriam-Webster dictionary has to say about the definition of the mind. We’ll look at only one colligate definition, that is divided into three:

  • The element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons.
  • The conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism.
  • The organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism.

From the three definitions I’m actually interested in, for this particular article, it’s true to say that the mind isn’t an organ. It’s structure and form are still a force to reckon with. The mystery behind the mind and what it really is, still hasn’t been fully unmasked and realized. Why I’m I saying this? The mind is an imaginary thing. It being imaginary doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Still, we have something to say about it. Things to our advantage.

Scientists have tried defining the mind as a product of the brain activity. What simply is better known as THE THOUGHT PROCCESS.  The product of firing neurons. They claim, the mind’s seat is the brain. And that it is the citadel of the body. What do I mean?

The central part of the nervous system The Brain, coordinates movements, thoughts and feelings. These are all put forth or rather felt through the mind.


1.      Many people and scientist claim the mind and brain are interchangeable. One being used in place of the other.

2.      This however, is not true.

3.      The mind and brain are far much different.

4.      The brain is physical (has definite shape) : can be seen, felt, and held. Whereas, the mind can only be perceived and imagined of.

5.      The brain is situated in skulls of vertebrates whereas the mind resides in the brain, but clearly not known where.

6.      Mind refers to a person’s perception of things (consciousness). Brain coordinates movement, thoughts and feelings.  

That (background), having been said and done, let’s tighten our seat belts and buckle our minds up. The journey just begun.

THE TEN LAWS OF THE MIND. WHY and HOW ARE THEY IMPORTANT TO OUR WELLBEING? Friend, there are laws that govern the human machinery, the question is do you know them?

An American writer, whom I believe was truly inspired, had this to say, in her book ‘Ministry of Healing”:

“It is the duty of every person, for his own sake and for the sake of humanity, to inform himself in regard to the laws of life and conscientiously to obey them.” (MH p. 128 (1905)/ 1MCP p.3.2)

“All… should study the influence of the mind upon the body, and of the body upon the mind, and the laws by which they are governed.” (MH 128)


      1)     The mind narrows or expands to the dimensions of things it becomes familiar to.

Unless the mind is put vigorously and persistently to doing certain tasks that seems difficult at first, it will lose its power and ability to grasp hard tasks.

When occupied with low order stuff (commonplace) it’s also dwarfed. And might lose its power of growth over time.

      2)     Decisions are not to be made from gut feelings but weight of evidence.

Human beings are thinking beings, with the power of freewill, to discriminated between right or wrong. Every choice made has consequences, for good or for bad. Deciding from impulse normally lead to irrational choices, which at first seem good but the end of it, destruction. Normally, it’s said, “Don’t make promises when you are happy.” Or “Don’t punish your child when you are mad.”

      3)     Our thoughts and feelings are encouraged and strengthened as we give them utterance.

As the Holy Writ says, “Out of the abundance of the heart (thoughts in our mind) the mouth speaks. This is a law nature. Nothing clean, can come out of the unclean. While words do express thoughts, its also right to say thoughts follow words.

       4)     Firmness and Decision Making.

When a desired object is so firmly denied, to remove all hope of its acquisition, the mind will soon cease to long for it and be occupied with other pursuits. Contrary, if there’s any hope of gaining it, an effort will surely be made to obtain it. A lack of this (firmness), is a great harm. Can lead to an addiction, misbalancing dopamine. Christians would relate this to victory over sin.

      5)     The consciousness of right-doing is the best medicine for diseased bodies and minds.

A merry heart has been proven to be a pathway to good health. The quiet and satisfied mind. More on this will be studied on another article, dealing with the mind cure. Kindly follow us to get notifications, via email, of any new article we upload.

     6)     Idleness weakness the mind power.

Probably you’ve heard of the proverb, “Idleness rusts the mind.” We can either use it (our minds), or lose it. This is closely related to our number one point. Idleness here to mean inactivity, triviality or uselessness.

      7)     Irregular hours of sleeping and eating, saps the mind forces.

If you want to start losing memory, ability to retain things learnt, eat and sleep at odd times. These habits contracts our mental powers and with time such persons lose ability to grasp things deeply.

       8)     The will should be kept awake and rightly directed.

       9)     Disciplined minds have increased powers of retention.

      10)  Unhealthful habits make it difficult for the mind to rationally think.

 I’d really love to hear what you really loved and found fascinating, about the mind. In the comment section.

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